A Word for 2024 and Beyond

January 1, 2024

Here we stand once again at the beginning of a new year. Although we find ourselves in the midst of turbulent and uncertain times, we can look forward to 2024 with great anticipation, for I sense we are about to encounter one of the greatest hours in the history of the Church. Whereas many are anticipating the rapture of the Church, it behooves us to carefully consider God's plan of the ages - his dreams, vision, and purposes for the closing days of time. As such, I believe we are about to witness and participate in the greatest move of God that has ever taken place in our world!

Presently, our great, almighty, all-powerful God is turning the pages of His eternal story written before the foundation of time, and as He does, His plans are unfolding in this earth realm. We are at the threshold of a divine invasion of the manifest glory of God (Numbers 14:21, Habakkuk 2:14). Our eyes are about to behold "the greatest show on earth". We are on the brink of this natural realm being invaded by the eternal, supernatural realm of God. The magnitude of that which we are about to experience cannot be measured by anything that has previously taken place in this earth realm. We will stand in awe as we behold the miraculous unfold as God's magnificent glory fills and floods our world! There shall be mighty signs and wonders, notable miracles, great healings, marvelous salvations, and awesome deliverances beyond our wildest dreams.

In conjunction with God's magnificent glory filling the earth, God's plans and purposes include His glory residing in His GLORIOUS BRIDE. We were divinely crafted to be a container for God's glory; formed and fashioned to "house" the glory of God. Right now, at this very moment, in our earthen vessels each of us are carrying in our inward parts, a heavenly treasure - a measure of the glory of God. It is the same glory that filled Moses' tabernacle and Solomon's temple. It is the same transcendent glory that radiated from Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. Although it seems incredible that we could be recipients of this wondrous glory, it is absolutely true. Our destiny, both in this life and for all eternity, is gloriousness.

As the Bride of Christ, we must continually remind ourselves that we are not here in this earth by chance or accident, rather by divine appointment. We were born for this hour - the time of the end- the culmination of all things; the time that the prophets of old prophesied about and longed to see. We have been chosen by our Heavenly Father to be part of the generation that will "reach spiritual completion and be filled through all our being unto the fullness of God - that is have the richest measure of the Divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself " (Ephesians 3:19). It is this body, the Bride of Christ, who will rise up mighty in God and display for all the world to see a reflection of His glorious beauty and the power of redemption manifest in human flesh as the glory of God fills her temple.*

In light of the lateness of the hour, the greatness of God's plan, and the hopeless desperation in our world, I exhort you, Bride of Christ, refuse to get caught up in what the enemy is doing (this present darkness) and focus on your Beloved God and embrace the incredible destiny He has designed for you, His Bride to fulfill: a destiny of becoming "all glorious within" - a Bride adorned in beauty, purity, and holiness, wielding great power and awesome authority. As this transpires, the glorious Bride of Christ will fulfill an obscure word found in Song of Solomon 6:10: " Who is this who looks forth as the dawn, fair as the moon, clear and pure as the sun, and terrible as a bannered host?" Historically, this is a picture of Solomon's bride; prophetically this is a portrait of the Bride of Christ arising in God's glory. Currently the world mocks the Church. They consider her to be weak and powerless, having little influence or relevance upon society. In the not too distant future, the world will be asking a riveting question: "Who is this glorious creature who has arisen and wields so much authority that even devils tremble in her presence?" What a day this will be!

I ask you to consider the following word I received from the Lord: "Marvelous days are these, for you reside here on earth, and your eyes will behold My end-time plans unfold. Soon, I will come for My Bride. However, before I come, there is much to be accomplished. I have been preparing you for the greatest outpouring of My Spirit that this world has ever experienced. It's so close now - the unveiling of My glory. As My holy habitation, you, My Bride will carry My glory from one end of the earth to the other. There is not a place that shall not be touched by My glory. Even though intense darkness is covering this earth, the darkness will only serve as a backdrop for the light and magnificence of My glory. Come close to Me My precious Bride. Pursue Me with your whole being. I fervently long to be the passionate yearning of your heart and affections! No one can satisfy you as I do. There is no higher pleasure than that which you experience through your union and communion with Me. Your greatest need in this New Year is an impartation of Me. You need My fullness in your heart and life. Through our union, I will make you pure and holy. I will make you whole. I will mold you and transform you into My glorious image. Transformation into Christ likeness is what constitutes true gloriousness. From this position, you will carry a weight of glory that is far superior to that of previous generations. It will surely be said of you, even as is recorded of the Temple of old, when the house was finished, the glory of the Lord filled the house" (1 Kings 8:10 -11).

*PLEASE NOTE: Even though I firmly believe we are at the threshold of God's glory filling our world and His Glorious Bride arising, I must share this with you: before this happens, there is yet a purification of the Church that MUST TRANSPIRE. Our holy God must have "a Church/Bride that is holy - a Bride without spot or wrinkle" (Ephesians 5:27).

Know this with surety: OUR GOD WILL HAVE A GLORIOUS CHURCH/BRIDE IN THIS EARTH REALM! The world will stand in awe as they behold the "works" of God manifested through these purified and glorious vessels. Demons will tremble as these victorious conquerors speak with the authority of heaven and demonstrate the power of God as they become saturated with His presence and glory."

Recommended Reading:
The Coming Glory
Consider Your Destiny
Carrying the Dreams of God
Awakened to the Beauty of our True Identity

Scripture References:
Numbers 14:21 Habakkuk 2:14 Ephesians 3:19-21 Ephesians 5:27 Song of Solomon 6:10 1 Kings 8:10 -11

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations from Amplified Bible
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