This website was founded over 10 years ago by Muriel Halverson as an extension of her teaching ministry. Her mission is to assist you in becoming all that God has destined for you to become.
Over forty years ago, the Lord began speaking to my heart concerning His Glorious Bride. The very first scripture that God stirred in my heart was Psalms 45:13, revealing to me that as His daughter, He would be working within my heart to bring me to a place of becoming "all glorious within". From that day forward, I have been captivated with the glory of God and His Glorious Bride. At the time of this revelation, I was teaching a Sunday School class for young girls. As the years passed, the Lord opened up doors for me to teach various ladies groups, Sunday School classes, and other venues. Through the years, a main theme of my teaching has been the glory of God and His Glorious Bride. The passion of my heart is for His Bride to "reach the full measure of the stature of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13)," become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself "(Ephesians 4:19), and then to arise in glorious splendor and fulfill the incredible role God has ordained for her in His great end time drama.