The Holy Spirit: Our Divine Helper

May 11, 2024

Our lives, our destinies, and our future, are dependent upon our pilgrimage into the depths of intimacy with our Beloved. This being the case, we are discovering that in the midst of our busy lives with all its demands, responsibilities, and activities, we are being awakened and supernaturally wooed into greater depths of intimacy with our Beloved God - an intimacy superior to anything we have ever before known or experienced. Yet, even as our hearts are stirred and cry out with desire for our Divine Lover, we so often find it difficult to come into this deeper place with God. I believe this cry to come close to God - to find our place of intimacy in His presence, is the present cry of the Bride of Christ. After years of seeking deeper intimacy with God, I have concluded that my whole life is, and will continue to be a pilgrimage toward increased closeness with my Beloved. A key discovery that I have made in my pursuit of closeness with my Lord is that it is the wonderful Holy Spirit Who is our ever present help and guide as we journey into greater depths of intimacy.


The Holy Spirit is the communicator of all the blessings and benefits that Jesus secured for us through His death and resurrection. The day of our new birth is the day the Holy Spirit began working in our inward parts. He regenerated us, taking our spirits, which were dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1), and instantly quickened us together with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). In that miraculous moment, He created us to be like God in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:24). We literally became partakers of the divine nature of God - recipients of the supernatural, divine life of God. (2 Peter 1:4). No wonder the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that "we are a new creation"! The work of the Holy Spirit within us is so glorious and so perfect that our amazing God declares that "we are His very Own workmanship."

According to Philippians 2:13, "God is all the while effectually at work in us, energizing and creating in us the power and the desire both to will and work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight." It is the Holy Spirit Who is building our inner man and guiding our spiritual growth. It is the Holy Spirit Who stirs in us the desire and the ability to perform God's perfect will for our lives. Although all these "workings" of the Holy Spirit in our inward being are important and necessary for our spiritual development, it is our transformation into a Glorious Bride that is the supreme task of the Holy Spirit.

Consider this: there is a place in your inward parts that the Holy Spirit will never leave. Hebrews 13:5 states, "for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless, nor forsake nor let you down, [relax My hold on you]. Assuredly not!" When the Holy Spirit came to take up His abode in us, He came to stay. There may be times He withdraws or remains inactive because He has been grieved or offended, but He will absolutely never leave us. Consider this also: When the Holy Spirit came to live in us, all of Him, and all that He is, came to indwell our inner being. This means we have a helper, guide, mentor, strengthener, enabler, encourager, counselor, and comforter within our inner being. We have a Helper Who is available to us every moment of every day. His bountiful supply compensates for our inabilities and inadequacies. How blessed we are to be partakers of the Holy Spirit and His inward workings!


Although the Holy Spirit desires to anoint us with His power, to give us victory over temptation, to guide and direct our steps, and to transform us into Christ likeness, it behooves us to always remember that He passionately longs to have fellowship with us. 2 Corinthians 13:14 speaks of this fellowship: "The grace (favor and spiritual blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together, and participation in the Holy Spirit be with you all." The Holy Spirit yearns to be our cherished friend, constant companion, and closest confidant.

The key to experiencing an increase of Holy Spirit activity in our hearts and lives is to fellowship with Him. Fellowship infers communication. We must converse with the Holy Spirit; talk with Him and intently listen to what He is saying to us. The amount of time and effort we invest in embracing, pressing into, and communing with the Holy Spirit determines His level of activity in our lives. Sadly, many believers live and die never having known the special, intimate fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Yes, they know about Him, however, they never come to the place of knowing Him personally. How blessed are those whose supreme passion in life to develop a moment by moment, living relationship with the sweet Holy Spirit!

Our union and connection with the Holy Spirit is of supreme importance in our spiritual walk. As end-time events unfold, we will find that our connection with the Holy Spirit will become increasingly more and more precious and vital. Without His activity and operations, nothing of any spiritual value can happen in our lives! He is the all-sufficient Worker; the Communicator and Facilitator of Heavens blessings and provisions. The greater our aspirations to become all we were created to be, the more we must depend on the Holy Spirit for His enabling power and ability. It is, and forever will be, even as was spoken to Zechariah, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). The Holy Spirit is our power source!

Note: This is the introduction article: "The Spirit's Guidance on Love's Long Journey"

Recommended Reading:
The Spirit's Guidance on Love's Long Journey
The Divine Romance
Carrying the Dreams of God
Consider Your Destinty

Scripture References:
Ephesians 2 Ephesians 4:24 Zechariah 4:6 2 Corinthians 13:14 2 Peter 1:4 2 Corinthians 5:17 Philippians 2:13 Hebrews 13:5

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations from Amplified Bible
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