The Romance of Redemption Part 2

November 30, 2022

It is because of our redemption, and only because of our redemption, that we find ourselves living in the midst of the most exciting love story of all time. Nowhere in scripture is the story of the Bride of Christ and her relationship with her Heavenly Bridegroom more beautifully portrayed than in the Song of Solomon. This amazing Song unveils for us a breathtaking prophetic portrait that mirrors the Bride of Christ and the astonishing journey she and her Beloved take in pursuit of the Divine romance. I have found great revelation and keen insight concerning our Divine love story in this Song.

Song of Solomon opens with these words: "The Song of Songs- the most excellent of them all...". In this Song, Solomon is telling a love story, and to him, this love song is more wonderful than any other. Historically, this song tells the story of King Solomon wooing and winning the heart of an obscure shepherdess. Prophetically, this song is the story of our Heavenly Bridegroom who pursues and wins the heart of an obscure maiden (us) and raises her into a position of nobility and honor as she becomes His royal Bride. Through our redemption, we who were a "nobody" - merely an obscure maiden, have come into a place of extreme honor and wealth. We have been made rich beyond words through our union with the Lord Jesus Christ. No wonder the scriptures speak of our great salvation (Hebrews 2:3); a salvation so vast that we can barely fathom the depths of the royal position and extravagant wealth which have been bestowed upon us.

There is abundant hidden treasure to be mined from this short Song concerning the Bride of Christ and her relationship with her Heavenly Bridegroom. Song of Solomon is a book for the heart. It becomes an especially wonderful Song for those who have an intense desire to be romanced by the Lover of their souls. If your heart is crying out for revelation concerning the Bride of Christ and her incredibly amazing relationship with her Heavenly Bridegroom, I would recommend you read, study, and mediate this Song. It will thrill your soul, shed great light upon the Divine romance, and bring you deeper into your personal, intimate love story with your Beloved.

A few years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with a question resounding in my heart. That question was, "What is your favorite scripture?" Immediately, my spirit gave me the answer: Song of Solomon 7:10 "I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me!" For me, this scripture is the essence of my love story with God. I fervently desire to be wholly His, and I bask in the truth that His desire is toward me.

While working on this article, the Lord spoke to my heart concerning this verse and said, "This is what redemption is all about: You are MINE. I purchased you; you belong to Me, and My passionate desire is toward you." As we ponder this, there is only one conclusion to be made: There is nothing in the entire world that can compare with having the Lord feel this way about us.

You are precious beyond words to your Beloved God! You may be thinking, "How can this be? I mess up and fail, and so often fall short of His glory. " There is a truth we need to continually remind ourselves of. It is the truth, that in spite of our humanity, immaturity, failures, weaknesses and shortcomings, our Redeemer God loves us unconditionally.

Meditate on the following word from the Lord:

It's time for My people to access the provisions of redemption! It's time for My people to stand up and declare their redemption through My Blood. You are a redeemed one, and as such, you have the ability to access the supernatural. All that I lived and died for was for you. You were on My mind when I paid redemption's price. I paid it for you. I want you whole! I want you healed! I want you free! You are My purchased Bride. You belong to Me. It's time for you to rise up into all the beauty of an adorned Bride. I desire to lavish you with heavenly adornments. I want to beautify you and make your renown known throughout the whole earth.

Take hold of Me My Bride, My beloved, and take hold of My provisions. Take hold of the beauty with which I desire to adorn you. Refuse to be denied all that I am fervently longing to do and give to you. Be bold. Get before My face and cry out refusing to settle for anything less than that which Calvary's Blood secured for you. The price has been paid. You have a legal redemptive right to every provision you need while you are residing here in this earth realm. I say to you - access heaven's supply. Access it through My Blood and the covenant you have entered into with Me. We are one and through Calvary's Blood you have won. I won the victory for you. Now take hold of that victory and rejoice.

Whatever situation or circumstance you find yourself in this season of your life, remember, you have been redeemed through the costly, highly blood of Jesus. Your victory has been secured. Don't let anything or anyone, including the threats of the enemy, shake your confidence in all that has been secured for you through your redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

Recommended Reading:
The Romance of Redemption

Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations from Amplified Bible
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